Saturday 12 November 2016

Puppy Training - 3 Easy Ways

By far most individuals shy away when they think of puppy training. Unlike people who easily understand contemplation, it takes an amazingly long time with a lot of emphasis to have the ability to successfully train a puppy. Shockingly, what numerous individuals do not know is that puppy training can be a simple and agreeable undertaking if done in the correct way and at the ideal time. Below are 3 excellent stress-free ways of puppy training.

Reward training 
Pooch obedience training can take a few structures; a prominent procedure amongst the most pleasing systems is prize training. The best benefit of this system is that it positively fortifies the way toward training. Indeed, it is to a greater degree a positive conditioning training method. The method involves giving orders to your canine, which are trailed by prizes for the orders that have been followed correctly.

Agility training 
Another fantastic puppy training methodology is the deftness training. Quite a number of puppies welcome this framework. Nimbleness training is especially fruitful with youthful puppies, as more established mutts have a tendency to get drained and exhausted. This system involves setting up a readiness track/training course that puppies will have to overcome. Puppies have to complete certain exercises within a given period. Such obstructions may include bouncing over wall, going under passages, creeping over fences, or catching certain obstacles, among other exercises.

Toilet training 
One embarrassing thing that can constantly piss you, your family, and your guests is a pooch that stores his/her heaps any place in the house or in the compound. Latrine training is another path through which you can instruct your puppy to be dutiful. Inside the initial six months of your puppy's life ensure that you train them to go outside to a specific area to can. To make this successful, you also need to understand your puppies' biology so that you know when they need to go and help themselves. For example, if a canine always taps at the door from within or barks looking outwards and there is no immediate source of distraction, you can always open the door and see what happens. In the event that the puppy goes to ease him/herself then you will know their toilet signal.


Puppy training is very important if you want your canine friend to live with you and your family comfortably. Training dogs also makes it easier to understand their moods as you have already conditioned their behaviours.

Friday 4 November 2016

How To House Train a Puppy - Helpful Tips

House training a puppy may take some time but in order for you to successfully do this, it will take patience, consistency and of course, positive reinforcements. Your main goal here is not only learning how to house train a puppy, but also instilling good habits as well as building a loving bond. The entire process would probably last for around 4 to 6 months. For some puppies, there are times when the training would take for as long as a year or two.


So, where should you start in house training your puppy? Basically, it starts with the breed you want to train. Smaller breeds would have smaller bladders but have higher metabolisms. This may require them to have more frequent trips for a pee. There are other things that you must learn throughout the process, but you can always do a few things to get started with.

Establish Your Routine

The first thing that you should start doing while your pet is still young is establishing a regular routine. This will help him in getting to know the right times for eating, playing, and potty. Typically, a puppy could control his pee for about an hour for each month of his age. This means that if your puppy is around 3 months old, he can hold it within a period of 3 hours. However, you should go longer than the usual breaks as he may end up peeing or even doing potty anywhere in your home.

Frequently Take Your Puppy Outside

The most recommended times in taking your puppy outside is at least very after two hours. Get started after waking up, during and after his playtime, and after drinking or eating.

Pick his Bathroom Spot in the Yard

To train your puppy, it is best that you take him at his bathroom spot with a leash. While he is doing his thing, think of a word or even a phrase like "potty time" that you should use before going to the spot just to remind him of what he should do. After his potty time, take him for longer walks or get him some playtime before going inside.

Give Him Treats after Doing Potty Time Outside

Rewards such as treats are signs that he did something good. You can try praising him or giving him a treat. Do this right after he finished doing his potty and not when he is already inside. This will teach him of what he should expect when he goes out to potty. Never give him rewards or praises before he finishes or he will get distracted and forget to finish till he gets back in your house.

Make sure that you will always do everything on schedule to help your puppy in sticking with his routine. Keeping the right feeding schedule will also help you in determining the usual schedule of keeping the door open or when you should take him outside. Follow these tips and you are sure to make house training easier than expected.

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